Courage: 3 Key Factors in Self Help —

4 min readJun 8, 2022


“Do you have the courage?” “Be courageous!”

These are so commonly heard, right? But something dawned on me today. It isn’t easy to be courageous and as humans, it’s simpler to be a silent spectator to circumstances around us than to speak up. Time and time again I have seen that we very much lack the courage to speak up for what we believe in. It has saddened me over the past few years, whether it’s upon seeing inequality happening, individuals remaining quiet about wrongdoings, especially if doesn’t impact them directly or just choosing silence because they fear higher authorities.

As a result of our lack of courage, we allow things to go off track, our core values to fade out and we forget all about our principles; whether that’s in our family, society, world, school or workplace.

The chief reason is probably fear. Fear of loss of what matters to us, whether that’s our job, our image, the love of our dear ones, our fame, or even just due to lack of faith.

So when I noticed this common behaviour in us, as humans, today, I reflected on my learnings and decided to share them.

So, what does it take to be courageous? Here are 3 key factors or ingredients. You can choose the word depending on how hungry you are!

1. Faith

It may take some time to build, but I found that the most important factor required for us to be courageous is faith. The faith to know that if we are doing the right thing, then God/Nature will be on our side and only the best can happen to us. Although it doesn’t happen overnight, if we learn to listen to our heart and act in harmony with it, then faith increases. In whatever we are doing, just have faith because I think God does like courage and sincerity. He told me. Just kidding, He didn’t tell me but He did say it!

2. Clarity of mind

But to build faith, we must be clear. Clarity about the intent of our actions ia necessary. If we muster the courage to let’s say give feedback about some bad customer service, then what is our intent in doing that? Is it so that the staff member gets fired? Or is it to help improve the service for other customers and help the company which will also make the world a better place? If it is the latter, then natutally, faith will build, because for the one who operates with the wellbeing of Nature and humanity in mind, then Nature always reciprocates.

If the intent is the former, i.e. to harm another person, then I think some review of intent is required. Please leave. Now. Just kidding:)

So in other words, ask yourself why are you choosing to be courageous? What is your intent? And if it is about us trying to change the other person, then it is futile. As Om Swami once said, time is the only thing which brings change.

3. Detachment

And third is detachment. Detachment in our actions, with an approach of compassion. In line with the previous point, if we are clear about our intent, then we are less likely to be attached to the outcome. It is similar to a toddler baking a cake (or thinking he is baking) for his mum, with the only intent of having a cake to make her happy and doing his best. But he is quite detached about what others will think, or how it will taste. The detachment is natural, which reminds me of this sweet toddler. Cute right?:) She really couldn’t care less about the mess!

Detachment from the impact our action has on our image and any associated consequences while staying true to our principles of compassion, kindness, love and care, is essential if we want to inculcate courage within our being.

If we include all of the above in our conduct, then I noticed that courage becomes a breeze. Been there, done that. Tested and proven! At the end of the say, what do we have to fear? If God is on our side and we are not hurting anyone, as long as we are clear about who we truly are and what we stand for, then we owe it to ourselves to live fearlessly. But no, I am not asking you to go bunjee jumping (unless you want to).

So in a nutshell, these are the key factors.

Do you have any realisations with regards to courage? Please do share. Or you can go back to that toddler video too;)

Originally published at on June 8, 2022.




Writer, Educator: Simplicity and humour are my forte. Committed to making this world a warmer place by understanding the play of life.