The Oasis of Love in Spirituality —

2 min readFeb 14, 2023


Like a gentle fragranceBut like water, it finds its wayThe fragrance which can still be ignoredIt creases, it flows, it flies, it pauses, it piercesYet you see not, where are you love?Until one fine day,It was just finding its way through your heartWaiting patiently to be watered with the moistness of self-love,
And be bathed in the sunshine of your kindness.
Our oasis of love is our eternal solace
Love was always here,
waiting for you.

Your love, with delicate petals was waiting to bloom
It awakens from deep within your heart
You wake up from your slumber knowing
Knowing that this is love
This is eternity
Love is eternity
That love, My love, The love
It breaks you, it elevates you, it awakens you
All at once
You feel its elusive presence
Brushed aside, with strength
Yet like an invisible potion
Love can never stop
Swiftly into your heart
As you awake one fine day
Your heart swollen with inexplicable feelings”Is it love?”
Too subtle to be noticed

Happy Valentine’s day everyone!:) Today I feel a bit helpless. Earlier today, I spoke to someone who was going through a breakup. It made me wonder whether anything can be done to help someone in such a situation. Wisdom goes down the drain and the heart wants to have its way. But is it the heart? At the end of the day, love is trying to find its way and awaken beautifully in our hearts. It’s there, we only have to find the oasis of love. A space which is permanent within our beautiful hearts, a space which will be safe in the face of any storm, a place which is anchored and an oasis which is always there.

How do we find or at least discover that oasis of love? Through Divine love, surely that’s the ultimate solution, but what about a young 18year old who wants to experience the world and all its colours? Well, in my opinion, we first need to heal through time.

We love others because moments with them gives us joy. They awaken within us feelings which we didn’t know exist. They make us see who we are and what potential we have within. What if we could awaken it all without any external approval? That’s what our oasis of love would be.

And what’s the oasis? It’s simple. We just have to find something we love- a cause, a hobby, a purpose or even a dream which we choose to work tirelessly to achieve. With this oasis, no matter who or what shakes us, we always have a safe haven to go to, a bigger problem, oops I mean a bigger purpose, which gives us the same joy.

Originally published at on February 14, 2023.




Writer, Educator: Simplicity and humour are my forte. Committed to making this world a warmer place by understanding the play of life.