Your Phone Wallpaper: Say What? in Spirituality —

3 min readDec 10, 2022


What is your wallpaper? Yep. Your phone wallpaper. Done checking? Now tell me, what or who is most important to you in life?

I was watching part of this video earlier, for the n’th time, obviously. And then I realised that although we don’t use wallets as much now, the common trend is to just put your bank card in your phone cover or just use Apple Pay or whatever, we can still apply this idea to our lives.

In the video, Swami speaks about a conductor who asks the passengers of the bus whether anyone had dropped their wallet. A man claims that the wallet belongs to him and proceeds to narrate how from youth till old age, he added, replaced and removed several pictures to and from his wallet but only Krishna’s picture remained with him, throughout. Please go watch the video because no one, absolutely no one can beat our awesome Swami’s storytelling skills. The humour is on point. As usual.

Based on that story, let me ask you: What is your phone wallpaper?

Throughout the day, we swipe, we scroll, we chat, we talk, we watch videos, we read and some of us even work using our phones. The screen and content keep changing, yet the content of wallpaper is probably what’s most dear to us or at least reflects our state of mind. It is constantly there, just like ‘you’. Wherever we go, the ‘I’ within is always coming along with us.

I remember telling a friend long ago:

“You want to leave and go somewhere far away. But where do you want to go? Wherever you go, you will be there. You cannot escape yourself.”

Although I am not too sure how he took that statement, it was and still is the truth. Coming back to the present topic, our phone wallpaper, in this world where tech has taken over, is truly our most faithful companion (physically). Our surroundings can tell us a lot about ourselves and so can our phone. It knows your deepest secret but it can also be your mirror. Literally, (yep, are you looking good in that camera, gorgeous human?) but it can be a mirror to your soul too.

So, who is with you everyday? Who is that constant person, thing or idea, walking with you throughout your day? Or what’s that quote or image which just stays there all along?

Does your wallpaper hold a special place in your heart, your mind or will it motivate you to achieve your life’s purpose?

Yes? Perfect!

No? That’s okay too.

Maybe we can all try to mindfully select a wallpaper today which actually portrays how we are, our motivation, how we want to be or simply one which will evoke love and a divine presence within our hearts.

The choice is yours. So, what’s in your wallet … I mean on your phone? Because that’s what’s in your heart too:)

Originally published at on December 10, 2022.




Writer, Educator: Simplicity and humour are my forte. Committed to making this world a warmer place by understanding the play of life.